VIP Family days out to Alton Towers and Chessington

Our 3rd Annual VIP trip to Alton Towers held in June was another great success. over 180 children with NF1, and their familiies met up for a day of fun and thrills. We had the corporate tent and were treated to a most delicious lunch and all the families had a chance to meet others in the same situation in a fun atmosphere, and children who had previously met at camp or days out left their parents and spent the day together. For more pictures follow the link:

We had a second trip to Chessington for which the sun came out for the day in a week of rain. Chessington is perfect for families who may not like theme parks as it has a zoo and a Sea life centre for those who seek a more tranquil day.

Families all met for lunch in the restaurant where new friends were made and old friends caught up on.

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